The government insurance agent (medical) sent a mail about the annual premium due from us.
It was with two options. With a little over a thousand Rupees extra (27 USD) in the premium from us, the cover for the kids is being upped to Rupees 100000 (2460 USD) from half that amount last year. Also from Rupees 100000, the two of us (husband and wife) and in fact all of us can now have up to Rupees 100000 medical cover.
That is a nice feeling. Not that we plan to use it. But medical insurance is an umbrella that assures you that you can access good medical care, hospitalization or treatment without getting debt ridden.
So, we are happy to avail of the floater option as they call it because for a little more from our side we get a larger cover if the need should ever arise.
But here is to you all, signing off with wishes for a long and healthy life!
PS. Have you taken a medical insurance yet? New India Assurance Co Ltd., Tata AIG, ICICI, and many other players in the market, what are you waiting for?
And if you reside out side India, somewhere in Europe, Australia, Africa or the USA, remember, we all need insurance of all kinds.
The recent floods in England should be a reminder of a case in time. So run for cover (of the right kind), will you?!
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